1. 校闹acts that disrupt school order
2. 产业合同industrial collaboration
3. 工匠精神craftsmanship
4. 人造肉lab-grown meat
5. 换脸软件face swap app
6. 过度收集用户个人信息excessively collect personal information
7. 在网上引发广泛争议spark wide controversy online
8. 面部识别支付facial recognition payment
9. 微信分享链接被停止访问。The app’s sharing link on WeChat was shut down.
10. 网页存在安全风险,被多人投诉。The page has security hazards and has received many complaints.
11. 以人民为中心的发展思想people-centered development vision
12. 人民福祉people’s wellbeing
13. 信息化发展的出发点和落脚点the starting and footing point for IT development
14. “宽带中国”战略the “Broadband China” strategy
15. 用上互联网have access to the Internet
16. 网络主权cyber sovereignty
17. 网络空间命运共同体a community of shared future in cyberspace
18. 加时赛OT(overtime)
19. 关键时刻错误make key-time errors
20. 传球给队友pass the ball to teammates
21. 罚出球场be fouled out
22. 第三次犯规pick up the third foul
23. 控球ball possession
24. 竞技体育competitive sports
25. 职业体育professional sports
26. 全民健身运动national fitness campaign
27. 开展国际援助carry out international assistance
28. 中国红十字会Red Cross Society of China
29. 立场坚定absolute determination
30. 驻港部队People’s Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison
31. 中国人民抗日战争the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
32. 世界反法西斯战争the World Anti-Fascist War
33. 组织作弊organize cheating
34. 提供作弊器材provide equipment or help for cheating
35. 非法出售或提供试题答案illegally sell exam questions and answers
36. 代考替考take tests for somebody else
37. 软件开发人员software developer
38. 把美元兑换成人民币convert U.S. dollars into Renminbi yuan
39. 加强农业基础地位strengthen the position of agriculture as the foundation of the economy
40. 促进农业科技进步promote advances in agriculture-related science and technology
41. 增强农业综合生产能力improve overall agricultural production capacity
42. 壮大县域经济expand county economies
44. 多渠道转移农民就业create more jobs for rural surplus labor force
45. 提高扶贫开发水平make poverty reduction more effective through development
46. 改革集体林权制度reform the system of collective forest use rights
47. 二手烟second-hand smoking
48. 禁烟令smoking ban
49. 电信诈骗telecom fraud
50. 退货规定returns policy