The Months
January brings the ice and snow, Makes our feet and fingers glow. February brings St. Valentine,-- Letters to your house and mine. March brings breezes very shrill, And pussy willows by the rill. April brings the primrose sweet, Tulip and hyacinth—what a treat!
May hangs leaves upon the trees, Swaying and swaying in the breeze. June brings daisies and pink roses, Fills our arms with pretty posies. Hot July brings cooling showers, And many, many fragrant flowers. August brings the poppies red, Sunflowers towering overhead.
September brings the goldenrod, On breezy days, just see it nod. October paints the maple leaves, They gayly dance upon the trees. November sends the chilling blast, December brings the bright red holly, When boys and girls are glad and jolly. | 译文一: 十二月之歌 (2017级英语专业第1组)
一月冰雪裹寒冬, 手指脚丫冻发红。 二月适逢瓦伦丁, 信笺互寄诉衷情。 三月微风呼呼啸, 银柳傍溪舞窈窕。 四月花甜如盛宴, 迎春郁金风信艳。
五月为树挂枝叶, 沐浴和风轻摇曳。 六月雏菊粉玫瑰, 手捧花束缓缓归。 七月阵雨消酷暑, 芳香花朵纷纷露。 八月罂粟红似火, 葵花高挺甚婀娜。
九月携来麒麟草, 风过微微把头捣。 十月染红枫树叶, 舞于枝桠何其悦。 冬月寒风冷彻骨, 秋叶急旋坠尘土。 腊月冬青红彤彤, 男孩女孩欢意浓。
| 参考译文: 十二个月
一月冰寒雪花莹, 冻得我们手脚红。 二月送来瓦伦丁, 你我之间信传情。 三月风吹刺耳鸣, 银柳依依河边倾。 四月迎春花儿开, 郁香风信同步来。
五月嫩叶挂枝头, 风中摇曳舞不休。 六月菊开玫瑰红, 亮丽花束抱怀中。 七月酷暑淋浴爽, 姹紫嫣红百花香。 八月盛开红罂粟, 葵花垂首来相护。
九月鲜黄麒麟草, 风吹颔首花香到。 十月浸染枫树叶, 欢快起舞不停歇。 冬月冷风阵阵啸, 残叶盘旋向地翩。 腊月冬青果红亮, 悦动孩童心飞扬。