创新型企业innovation enterprises
粤港澳大湾区Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
研究机构research institutes
制造业manufacturing industry
中小企业small and medium-sized enterprises
环境友好型技术environment-friendly technology
煤化工coal chemical industry
能源安全energy security
核心竞争力core competitiveness
附加值added value
产业链industrial chains
发展数字经济自主权autonomy of developing the digital economy
数字经济治理体系governance system of the digital economy
数字鸿沟digital divide
人文交流people-to-people and cultural exchanges
通关便利化customs clearance facilitation
周边外交neighborhood diplomacy
文化遗产cultural relics
中华文明Chinese civilization
经济植物economic plant species
迁地保护off-site conservation
生物多样性保护biodiversity protection
和合共生harmonious coexistence
网络空间国际交流合作international exchanges and cooperation in cyberspace
工业互联网the industrial Internet
网络治理cyberspace governance
智慧交通smart transport
交通主干线main traffic lines
国家综合立体交通网comprehensive national transport network
速递公司courier company
货运中转中心freight transport transit center
货物分拣中心cargo sorting center
载重吨deadweight tonnes
全球市场份额global market share
自主创新independent innovation
光学舱optical cabin
观测设备observation apparatus
钢轮地铁steel-wheel metro
政治互信political mutual trust
全面现代化comprehensive modernization
文化宝藏cultural treasure
历史意识awareness of the history
航天器发射场spacecraft launch site
舱外活动extravehicular activities
近地轨道low-Earth orbit
国际公平正义international fairness and justice
全面战略合作伙伴关系comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership
持久和平和普遍安全lasting peace and universal security
北京中轴线Beijing's Central Axis
京杭大运河博物馆Grand Canal Museum