1. 被拐儿童 abducted children
2. 积案 long-pending cases
3. 公安部 the Ministry of Public Security
4. 中欧班列 China-Europe Railway Express
5. 国际产业链供应链 international industrial and supply chains
6. 植物园 botanical gardens
7. 迁地保护 ex-situ conservation
8. 生物多样性保护 biodiversity protection
9. 古墓葬群 a cluster of ancient tombs
10. 铭文砖 bricks with inscriptions
11. 碳中和 carbon neutrality
12. 房地产行业 the real estate sector
13. 绿色低碳转型 green and low-carbon transformation
14. 中国科学技术协会 China Association for Science and Technology(CAST)
15. 生命科学 life science
16. 跨物种 cross-species
17. 鼻咽癌 nasopharyngeal carcinoma
18. 谅解备忘录 memorandum of understanding
19. 古丝绸之路 the ancient Silk Road
20. 政策沟通 policy coordination
21. 住宅价格 home price
22. 一线城市 first-tier cities
23. 豆腐渣工程 jerry-built project
24. 电信诈骗 telecom fraud
25. 全球主要经济体 major economies in the world
26. 城镇调查失业率 the surveyed urban unemployment rate
27. 贷款市场报价利率 Loan Prime Rate
28. 中长期贷款 medium and long-term loans
29. 固定资产投资 fixed-asset investment
30. 市场主体 market entities
31. 市场预期 market expectations
32. 无接触旅游消费 contactless tourism and consumption
33. 乡村旅游 village tourism
34. 智能手机出货量 shipments of smart phones
35. 5G基站 5G base stations
36. 酒泉卫星发射中心 Jiuquan Satellite Launch center
37. 发射升空 blasted off
38. 山体滑坡 landslide
39. 五位一体 economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress
40. 获得感 sense of benefit
41. 成就感 sense of achievement
42. 智能制造 intelligent manufacturing
43. 远程医疗 telemedicine
44. 在线教育 e-learning
45. 共享平台 sharing platform
46. 协同办公 cooperative office
47. 现代旅游体系 modern system for the tourism sector
48. 世界旅游强国 a world tourism powerhouse
49. 物流圈 transportation of goods
50. 区域综合经济走廊 Regional Comprehensive Economic Corridors
51. 绿色丝绸之路 green Silk Road
52. 广泛阅读 read extensively
53. 生态修复活动 ecological restoration campaign
54. 学术表现/成绩 academic performance
55. 努力做某事 apply oneself
56. 植树造林 afforestation
57. 中国植树节 National Tree Planting Day
58. 绿色转型 green transition
59. 绿色基建、绿色能源、绿色金融 green infrastructure, green energy and green finance
60. 推进森林城市、森林乡村建设 advance the building of forest city and forest countryside
61. 清洁发电 clean power generation
62. 海上风电机组 offshore wind turbines
63. 能源合作 energy cooperation
64. 能源安全 energy security
65. 海底电缆 submarine cables
66. 非化石能源 non-fossil energy
67. 综合国力 overall national strength
68. 国土安全 homeland security
69. 空海一体战训练 air-sea battle training
70. 资产管理体系 asset management system