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1. 线上法律服务

online legal services


2. 自贸区

free trade zone


3. 经济转型

economic restructuring


4. 全方位战略伙伴关系

an all-dimensional strategic partnership


5. 依宪治国

governance of the country on the basis of its constitution


6. 依法治国

law-based governance of the country


7. 依法执政

law-based exercise of state power


8. 依法行政

law-based administration of government


9. 核试验场

nuclear test ground


10. 核裁军

nuclear disarmament


11. 网络治理

cyberspace governance


12. 世纪数字丝绸之路

a digital silk road of the 21st century


13. 加密货币



14. 双向投资

two-way investment


15. 信用信息公开

disclosure of credit information


16. 工伤赔偿

work-related injury compensation


17. 技术社群

technology communities


18. 不断满足人民日益增长的优美生态环境需要 

keep up with people's ever-growing needs for a better environment


19. 给自然生态留下休养生息的时间和空间

provide time and space for the natural ecology to rehabilitate


20. 形成节约资源和保护环境的空间格局、产业结构、生产方式、生活方式

form spatial patterns, industrial structures, production and living modes that are resource-saving and environmental-friendly


21. 国产航母

domestically designed aircraft carrier


22. 航母战斗群

aircraft carrier strike group


23. 机械故障

mechanical failure


24. 自驾租车

car rental


25. 代驾



26. 顺风车

ride sharing/hitch ride


27. 无污染燃料

pollution-free fuel


28. 聚焦民生、深化合作

deepen cooperation with a people-centered approach


29. 金禧年

golden jubilee


30. 次区域共同体

sub-regional community


31. 备降



32. 道路扬尘

road dust


33. 建筑扬尘

construction dust


34. 沙尘天气

sand and dust weather


35. 营造良好氛围

create a favorable environment


36. 交流互鉴

exchanges and mutual learning


37. 坚定不移的方针

unswerving principle


38. 互利合作

mutually beneficial cooperation


39. 武器禁运

arms embargo


40. 电影审查

movie censorship


41. 战略沟通

strategic communication


42. 区域合作架构

regional cooperation architecture


43. 区域全面经济伙伴关系协定

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP)


44. 多边贸易体系

multilateral trading system


45. 自由贸易协定

free trade agreement


46. 伊朗核协议

Iran nuclear deal


47. 初创科技公司

tech start-ups


48. 示范性项目

demonstrative projects


49. 人类社会发展规律

the law of the development of human society


50. 前沿领域 

cutting-edge areas


51. 跨学科的研究

interdisciplinary research


52. 小题大作

make a mountain out of a molehill


53. 太空垃圾

space debris


54. 量入为出

live within one's means


55. 永久巩固的和平机制

a permanent, firm peace regime


56. 非军事区

demilitarized zone


57. 军事分界线

military demarcation line(MDL)


58. 朝鲜半岛无核化

denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula


59. 停战协定

armistice agreement


60. 全面二孩放开

the universal second-child policy


61. 购物陷阱

shopping trap


62. 强迫购物

forced shopping


63. 消费歧视

consumer discrimination


64. 隐形贫困人口

the invisible poverty-stricken population/the invisible poor


65. 国家安全意识

the national security awareness


66. 政府集中采购

centralized government procurement


67. 医保报销

medical insurance reimbursement


68. 不同文明和谐共处

harmonious coexistence of different civilizations


69. 文明多样性 

diversity of civilizations


70. 国际风云变幻

a changing international environment


