1.“九二共识” 1992 Consensus
海峡两岸关系协会 ARATS-Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits
海峡交流基金会 SEF-Straits Exchange Foundation
一个中国的原则 one-China principle
求同存异 seeking common ground while reserving differences
良性互动 positive interactions
历史性会谈 historical meeting
2. 习马会 The Xi-Ma Meeting
交换意见 exchange views
共同政治基础 common political ground
沟通对话 communications and dialogues
3. 和平共处五项原则 The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
互相尊重主权和领土完整 mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity
互不侵犯 non-aggression
互不干涉内政 non-interference in each other’s internal affairs
平等互利 equality and mutual benefit
和平共处 peaceful coexistence
联合国宪章 UN charter
4. 和平发展道路 Peaceful Development
国际责任 international responsibility
国际公理 international norms
霸权主义和强权政治 hegemony and power politics
5. 维护国家核心利益 Safeguarding the Core Interest of China
国家主权 state sovereignty
国家安全 national security
领土完整 territorial integrity
国家统一 national reunification
中国宪法确立的国家政治制度和大局稳定 stability of its political system established by the Constitution and overall social stability
经济社会可持续发展的基本保障 ensure sustainable economic and social development
5. 新型国际关系 a new Model of International Relations
合作共赢 cooperation for the benefit of all
6. 命运共同体 Community of shared future
地球村 global village
坚持各国互相尊重、平等对待 respect one another and treat each other as equals
坚持合作共赢、共同发展 win-win solutions and common development
坚持实现共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全 common, comprehensive, collaborative, and sustainable security
坚持不同文明兼容并蓄、交流互鉴 mutually enriching and beneficial interactions
7. 共建网络空间命运共同体 Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace
(2015年12月16日,乌镇第二届互联网大会上习近平论述此概念,及 “五点主张”,即以下五点)
加快全球网络基础设施(Internet infrastructure)建设,促进互联互通(interconnectivity)
打造网上文化交流平台(online platforms),促进交流互鉴(facilitate cultural exchanges)
保障网络安全(Internet security),促进有序发展(orderly development)
构建互联网治理体系(cyberspace governance system),促进公平正义
8. 新亚洲安全观 New Asian Security Concept
共同安全、综合安全、合作安全、可持续安全 joint and comprehensive measures and cooperation in ensuring sustainable security
9.“共同但有区别的责任”原则 The Principle of ‘Common But Differentiated Responsibilities’
《联合国气候变化框架公约》 the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
消除贫困 poverty eradication
压倒一切的优先事项 overriding priority
10. 构建中美新型大国关系 Developing a New Model of Major-Country Relations Between China and the United States
不冲突,不对抗 no conflict or confrontation (必要条件)
相互尊重 mutual respect (基本原则)
合作共赢 mutually beneficial cooperation (必由之路)