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CWU Student Affairs Division Wins Annual National Youth Civilization Award

The Student Affairs Division of China Women's University (CWU) was presented with a 2013-2014 “Annual National Youth Civilization” award by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League (CCCYL) in April.

The campaign recognizes advanced organizations of young people who serve for the benefit of those on the front lines of manufacturing, scientific research, administration management and law enforcement. The scheme highlights winners for making remarkable achievements in their posts, promoting professional ethics among the population, showing amazing willpower to face difficulties, and making contributions to youth with their wisdom and pioneering spirits.

The winners were jointly selected by 18 ministries and commissions, including the CCCYL, Supreme People' Court, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice. Through a comprehensive assessment study, and fierce competition and selection stages, 1,422 units spanning 38 categories were awarded. The Student Affairs Division won the prize.